Israel Trip Interest Meeting
We have an opportunity to experience the Bible like never before through a trip to Israel! Join us for the interest meeting on March 16 after the 11am service in the Fireside room.

MexiGO Interest Meeting
Interested in learning more about our 2025 MexiGO mission trip?

Young Professionals "Games and Grub"
Join the young professionals of College Ave for games and food!

Interfaith Shelter Network
We will be hosting Interfaith Shelter Network for the homeless at College Ave February 15 - March 1.

Internship Program Application Deadline
CLICK HERE to apply for internship at College Ave!

Women's Conference
To register with the early bird special or learn more about the conference, CLICK HERE!

GriefShare is a support group to help you move through the grief process. A GriefShare support group is a safe, welcoming place where people understand the difficult emotions of grief.

Sunday Night Young Adults
Our Sunday night young adults gathering will be back on January 26! Worship, teaching, community, and chai.

Life Groups Winter Sign-Ups
If you’re not in a group already, CLICK HERE to let the Life Groups Team know you’re interested.

The Grinch musical - Christmas Eve at College Ave
Musical programs at 3:00, 4:15, and 5:30pm!

Youth Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser
Stop by their booth in the courtyard on Sunday the 15th between each service to support our students getting to camp!

Young Adults Fall Finale
Join us for the last young adults gathering of the year as we celebrate with worship, teaching, and baptisms! College Ave YA will be gathering again in January 2025.

Operation Christmas Child Packing Party
Pack, party, donate. Read more about how you can participate in Operation Christmas Child this year!

Homecoming Night
We want to invite you to an event we’re calling Homecoming Night! We'll spend time celebrating what God has been doing here at College Ave and sharing vision for the future. Childcare is provided for kids from 1yo - kindergarten.

Sunday Night Young Adults
Worship and teaching back in the Family Center building on September 8 at 6:30pm!

The Story of Scripture
We’re hosting the Story of Scripture from Dallas Theological Seminary!

Join us for live teaching, kids’ carnival, and a courtyard after-party at Summer Sessions!

Join us for live teaching, kids’ carnival, and a courtyard after-party at Summer Sessions!

Christmas in July Drive
It’s Christmas in July! Join us in collecting back to school supplies in support of Operation Christmas Child.

Join us for live teaching, kids’ carnival, and a courtyard after-party at Summer Sessions!

high school
life groups
college ave women
middle school
young adults