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  • Life Groups are centered on fellowship and study.

    Fellowship is time spent together. Your group may choose to do this over a cup of coffee and a plate of dessert, a potluck meal, or a game night. We see Jesus spent time with his people while sharing a meal, and we want to follow that example as modern-day Christians.

    Study is how we dive deep into the Bible to understand God's Word. Questions for group discussion are based on the Scriptures and theme of the Sunday sermon. You're encouraged to read and answer these questions in advance of your group time so that you come prepared to share your perspective and hear what others have to say. Honest accountability, support, follow-up, and prayer are essential elements of healthy life groups.

  • Life groups meet once a week for 1.5-2 hrs at a consistent time and location which is often in the home of a life group host. Groups are typically organized based on life stage.

    Life Groups meet for three 8-11 week quarters in fall, winter, and spring. When you sign up for a group, we ask that you commit to the entire quarter, as we know that consistency forms the basis of meaningful relationships. However, we understand that schedules and circumstances change in your life throughout the year, so we want to provide you with the flexibility to shift groups between quarters if necessary. Our current list of life groups is available at the start of each life group quarter so you can identify a group that fits with your life stage and schedule.

  • We kindly ask that groups stick to an “adults-only” guideline, and we encourage you to look at the descriptions of each Life Group to see what childcare options may be available.

    Our College Ave Kids Ministry offers a Tuesday night Life Group KIDS program for ages 1 through 5th grade so that parents can attend their life group and their kids can have intentional time of faith and fun. Life Groups KIDS is on Tuesdays 6-7:30pm, and is only available to kids of parents who are actively participating in their life group. Registration links will be sent to parents who join a Tuesday night life group.

  • Community is the rule, Life Groups are the tool.

    Life groups are developed for you to grow in community and in your walk with Jesus, not just to increase your Bible knowledge (though that will definitely happen too!).

    The content for our life group discussions is intentionally based on the Biblical passage and theme of the Sunday sermon, which allows us to not just listen to the Scriptures once in service, but to purposefully delve into its meaning, discuss and even wrestle with what God's Word says, and understand how it is relevant to our lives in a personal way. As every life group consistently studies the same thing at the same time, our church grows in unity and aligns in spirit as we seek to do God's will in our homes, community, and the world around us.

  • Ideally, life groups range from 10-14 people, including life group leaders and life group hosts. Both leaders and hosts participate in Life Group Leadership Training before starting to lead a life group, and additional trainings and support opportunities are offered as well throughout the year.

  • You should! If you've attended College Ave only one time so far or if you've been a member for decades, life groups are for you. No matter your Bible knowledge or where you are in your Christian journey, life groups are a place where you will find community and belonging as we seek to know, love, and follow the real Jesus together.

  • Life Groups sign-ups for the Fall Quarter are from Sept 1-15. You can sign up online or on a Sunday morning in the courtyard. Groups start the week of Sept 15 and meet through Dec 7.

    If you are having trouble finding a group that works for you, please complete this interest form and we'll get back to you to help you get connected!


College Ave Life Groups are all about developing intentional Christ-centered communities studying God's Word and doing real life together.

Our first priority is to help you connect.  Connect with a group of people who become "your" people. Connect with our church community.  Connect with God.

Then, we want you to grow.  Grow in knowledge and understanding of who the real Jesus is.  Grow in your love for Jesus and your desire to follow Him.  Grow as an individual, and grow as a group.

Next, we want you to share.  Share your ups and downs, your highs and lows, your summits and your valleys.  Share your faith. Share your life.

Finally, we want you to serve.  Jesus calls us to love God and to love each other, and we do so by putting ourselves aside and living with a heart of service. Serve at church, serve in the community, serve one another.

Join us for Life Groups at College Ave, and experience a life of intentionality and faith-filled community.