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Women's Retreat


Have you taken a moment recently to ponder the condition of your heart? Proverbs 4:23 states that we should guard our hearts above all else, for it is the wellspring of life and affects all we do. The state of our hearts directly impacts our relationship with God, the blessings we receive, and our response to Him.

At the Pine Valley Women's Conference, we’ll explore the lives of three biblical characters and how they aligned their hearts (or didn’t!) with God and observe the profound effects it had on their lives. Then, we’ll take a moment to candidly assess our own hearts before God. This weekend will be an opportunity to step out of your current context, encounter Biblical teaching, and interact with other women on the same journey. 

You can expect a weekend of…

  • Good teaching (Biblical, contextual, applicable)

  • Genuine service and kindness from their staff

  • A peaceful environment with opportunities to reflect and connect with others

  • Open programming that allows you to choose activities that fit your group (adventure activities & personal reflection).

Visit the Pine Valley website for more information about the retreat. Get refreshed and build stronger connections with women in our church family!

March 5

Pre-Marital Class

March 15

College Ave Date Night